March 24, 2011

Our Garden

We actually don't have a ton of backyard space. Our garden and trees are actually in the side yard area (also where we keep the chicken coop). We have a few planter pots around our house as well. We are thinking of planting green beans because those could grow up a lattice and they don't need much horizontal space. You really don't need a lot of space to grow your own fruits and vegetables. We aren't pros at it either. We're just trying to learn it together as a family- see what works, what doesn't. Looking at neighbors gardens for ideas and advice is a great idea. What grows better in the spring in your climate? What side of the house should you grow lettuce? Where should you plant your basil so it's protected from the wind?

Here's our two garden beds. We planted a "spring mix" of lettuce in January and we've been eating it for a while now. You haven't had lettuce until you've had it straight out of the garden. I never buy lettuce at the store because this stuff just keeps growing back! We never have to worry about our lettuce going bad or being contaminated. The other bed we planted in February and haven't seen harvest from it yet. It will be tomatoes, peppers, and green onions.
We LOVE having fresh herbs. Have you tried buying fresh herbs in the store?! Expensive! Plus, I love being able to just cook without having to plan out all my herbs ahead of time. Many times the store-bought herbs will go bad before I even have a chance to use them! I love knowing that if I make Mexican, I always have cilantro. If I make Italian, I always have fresh Basil and Oregano. Roasted Chicken? Just add fresh Rosemary, Thyme, and Sage. It makes cooking fun and simple. Of course when these plants mature a little more, we'll have to cut them down. We'll dry and store them so that we can have garden herbs all year long. I'm looking forward to making scented pillows and soaps out of our lavender too!

This is the apricot tree. Just two weeks ago there was only one measly little leaf on it. Last week I took this picture.
This week, it is in full bloom! Nature is so miraculous! I'll post updated pictures of our trees and garden later on. We also have apple, plum, and navel orange trees.

Here's our grapefruit tree. It's not huge, but it grows plenty of fruit to last our family of four. Any fruit we can't eat, we juice and freeze. Don't let your fruit fall to the ground! If you can't eat it or juice it- offer it to your neighbors and friends.
The kids love picking the fruit and we're teaching them how to pick properly and which ones are ready to be picked. My next post will have to be about my weekend of juicing....oh, so much juicing...
We have grape and squash vines too. This is our first year in this house, so we'll have to see what the trees and vines produce this year, it may not be much. The chickens were let out of their coupe for two days and ATE ALL the grape and squash leaves. SO MAD at those chickens!! I don't know how long it'll take to grow back.
Of course, you remember our wheat grass...Seriously, so easy to grow. Soak a bowl full of wheat for a day- rinse and repeat. Once the wheat is sprouting a little, it's ready to plant. We used soil this time and a baby blanket last time. Just remember to put enough holes in the bottom of your container for adequate drainage or else you'll end up with something pretty gross at the bottom. For more info on juicing see "Wonderful Wheat."
These containers can go anywhere- windowsill, front steps, back porch...
So there you have it! Have fun planting! Next steps- watering, weeding, harvesting, eating, least we're staying busy!

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